Demonte Colony 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the 2015 horror film, is set to make its OTT debut on September 27, 2024. This Tamil supernatural thriller will be available for streaming on ZEE5, a popular digital platform known for hosting a variety of Indian films and series. Both the Tamil and Telugu versions of the movie will be accessible to viewers on this date, allowing fans from different linguistic backgrounds to enjoy the film.
Overview of Demonte Colony 2
Directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu, Demonte Colony 2 stars Arulnithi and Priya Bhavani Shankar in lead roles. The film follows a group of friends who return to a haunted location, where they confront the spirits that inhabit it. The narrative builds upon the events of the original film, ensuring continuity in character development and plot progression.
The film was released in theatres on August 15, 2024, where it faced tough competition from other major releases but still managed to perform well at the box office, grossing over Rs. 55 crores. Despite mixed reviews from critics, it has garnered a strong following due to its engaging storyline and production quality.
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Production Insights
Demonte Colony 2 is produced by Bobby Balachandran, Vijay Subramaniam, and RC Rajkumar. The film’s success has prompted discussions about expanding it into a franchise, with plans for future instalments already in the works. The technical aspects of the film were well-received, with Sam CS providing a compelling musical score that enhances the eerie atmosphere of the narrative.
How to WatchTo watch Demonte Colony 2:
- Platform: ZEE5
- Availability: From September 27, 2024
- Languages: Tamil and Telugu
Viewers can access ZEE5 via their website or mobile app, which is available for download on both iOS and Android devices. For those interested in premium content, the film will also be available on the OTTplay Premium app